Marking Guide


The Agency 1 Course Assignment is a collaborative group project designed to assess the learning outcomes below. This document provides a guide to assessing contributions and assigning grades.

The purpose of this assignment is to examine agile teamwork and ability to manage group collaboration using productivity tools such as Git. Code quality is not assessed and does not form a part of the grade.

Learning Outcomes


The Candidate…

  • has knowledge of Agile development methodologies and their application in project management and collaboration
  • has knowledge of version control systems using Git, and their role in facilitating team collaboration and code management
  • has knowledge of best practices for effective teamwork including constructive feedback, communication strategies and conflict resolution to ensure the effectiveness of a team-based project


The Candidate…

  • can apply Agile development methodologies to a team-based project
  • masters Git to manage assigned tasks effectively
  • masters relevant techniques to contribute to a team by providing useful feedback and communicating well with other members of the team
  • can apply critical thinking to solve project related problems
  • can apply problem-solving skills in team projects, including identifying and addressing challenges collaboratively.

General Competence

The Candidate…

  • has developed a professional attitude to work effectively in a team environment, adhere to commitments in the project plan, and communicate openly with team members

Marking Checklist

Use the checklist below to (self) assess a submission.

  • The candidate has used GitHub Projects to define and follow a project plan.
  • The candidate has made a good effort to meet at regular intervals.
  • The candidate has used task branches and pull requests to manage their contributions.
  • The candidate has provided feedback on other team member’s pull requests.