HTTP PUT Request Method


We are going to take a deeper look at the HTTP PUT request method.

The HTTP PUT request method will replace data at the target resource.

We are targeting a resource so we will need to add an identifier at the end of the URL, such as an ID. The exact value needed here will depend on what the server is using. It need not be an id.

We will also need to include the new data inside the body of the optional options parameter we supply to the fetch.


Let’s have a look at how we can do a PUT request.

	fetch('', {
	  method: 'PUT',
	  body: JSON.stringify({
	    id: 1,
	    title: 'foo',
	    body: 'bar',
	    userId: 1,
	  headers: {
	    'Content-type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
	  .then((response) => response.json())
	  .then((json) => console.log(json));

Additional resources

MDN Web Docs: PUT