Installing a Code Editor


In this lesson, we will look at installing a code editor. These days, the code editor is an essential tool in software development, just like notebooks are for schooling. A code editor helps in writing and editing your code during development.

Code Editor

A code editor is an application that can be used to write and edit code. There are a good number of code editors available that can be used for development. Some of them are:

  • Notepad (Windows) / TextEdit (Mac): These are like basic notebooks on your computer. They’re suitable for simple code, but they don’t have all the fancy features.

  • Visual Studio Code (VS Code): This is a code editor owned by Microsoft. It helps you write code quickly, shows you mistakes, and even enables you to explore your code. VS Code is the most popular code editor among developers. It can be used on both Macs and Windows.

  • Sublime Text: This is a close competitor of VSCode. It is a sophisticated text editor for code, markup, and prose. It’s great for writing code quickly and comes with many helpful tools. It can be used on both Macs and Windows.

  • Atom: Atom is a free and open-source code editor developed by GitHub. It is another competitor of VS Code and can be used with any kind of programming language.

  • PyCharm (for Python): This knows a lot about Python and helps you make your Python programs.

In the programme, we highly recommend Visual Studio Code as a code editor. However, you are free to use any code editor of your choice.

How to install VS Code

  • Download the latest version of VS Code for system here.

  • Install the following extensions:

  • Live Server (which helps you view your html page on your browser)

  • Prettier (which helps format your code to be easier to read)

  • Live Share (which lets you share your code with a tutor).


Activity 1


Visual Studio Code for Web Developers (60 m)