Module 1

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Welcome to JavaScript 1, in this course we will introduce the most important concepts from computer science using JavaScript syntax. In this module, we will start by covering key concepts such as variable references, arrays and conditional statements.

Programming is the art of controlling the flow of information, and the programmer is the one in control. This module aims to show that programming is not a mystical art, but a logical process that can be learned by anyone. Each individual step in a software program is quite simple, however when they are assembled into a complex system - it can become overwhelming and hard to access. Much of the skill of programming is being able to keep things in perspective and break problems down into their smallest parts. This comes with time and lots of practice, within this course, but also in the early stage of a career in software development.

Learning a new syntax, whether for programming or a natural language is a separate but equally important skill. We are used to reading and writing in the syntax of our home language, and when faced with unfamiliar symbols or phrases it is easy to feel lost in a sea of new information. When a new syntax has been learned successfully, it should require little effort to read or understand a code file. This skill becomes “second nature”, like riding a bicycle or driving a car. Just like learning a foreign language, the key to learning syntax is practice, practice, practice.