Try Catch


Welcome to this lesson on the try...catch block in JavaScript. We’ll explore the basic concepts, delve into practical examples, and understand the role of the finally clause.

In JavaScript, error handling is a critical aspect of robust web development. The try...catch statement marks a block of statements to try and specifies a response should an exception be thrown.

	try {
	    // Code that might throw an exception
	} catch (error) {
	    // Code to handle the exception
	} finally { // Optional
	    // Code that runs after try/catch, regardless of outcome


The try Block

The try block wraps the code that might throw an exception. It’s the first part of the try...catch structure.

	try {
	    // Code that might throw an exception

The catch Block

Following the try block, the catch block is executed if an exception is thrown in the try block.

	try {
	    // Code that might throw an exception
	} catch (error) {
	    // Code to handle the exception

The error object in the catch block contains information about the error that occurred.

Practical Example

Example: Handling JSON Parsing

JSON parsing is a common operation that can fail if the JSON is invalid. Here’s how try...catch can be used:

	const jsonString = '{"name": "Ola", "age": 30}';
	try {
	    const user = JSON.parse(jsonString);
	    console.log("User parsed successfully:", user);
	} catch (error) {
	    console.error("Parsing error:", error.message);

In this example, if jsonString is not valid JSON, the catch block will be executed, logging the error.


Understanding finally

The finally clause executes after the try and catch blocks, regardless of whether an exception was thrown or not. It’s often used for cleaning up resources.

	try {
	    // Code that might throw an exception
	} catch (error) {
	    // Code to handle the exception
	} finally {
	    // Code that runs after try/catch, regardless of outcome

Example: Using finally with File Operations

	function readFile(filePath) {
	    let file;
	    try {
	        file = openFile(filePath); // hypothetical function to open a file
	        // Process file
	    } catch (error) {
	        console.error("Error while reading file:", error.message);
	    } finally {
	        if (file) {
	            closeFile(file); // hypothetical function to close a file
	        console.log("File operation completed.");

In this example, finally ensures that the file is closed after being processed, regardless of whether an error occurred.


In this lesson, we explored the try...catch block in JavaScript, a powerful tool for handling exceptions and ensuring your code’s resilience and reliability. We delved into practical examples and examined the finally clause, essential for resource management.

Lesson task


To demonstrate the use of the Rest and Spread operators in JavaScript.


Create a JavaScript function named processData that takes an array of data objects and processes each one. However, if any object in the array does not have a required id property, it should throw a custom error. The function should use a try...catch block to handle this custom error and log an appropriate message. Finally, regardless of success or error, the function should log a message indicating the end of processing.


  1. Define the processData function that accepts an array of objects.
  2. Iterate over the array using a loop.
  3. Inside the loop, use a try block to check if the current object has an id property.
  4. If an object lacks the id property, throw a custom error.
  5. Use a catch block to handle the error and log the error message.
  6. Use a finally block to log that processing has ended.


	function processData(dataArray) {
	    dataArray.forEach(data => {
	        try {
	            // Check if the current object has an 'id' property
	            if (! {
	                throw new Error("Missing 'id' property in object");
	            console.log(`Processing data with ID: ${}`);
	            // Add further processing logic here as needed
	        } catch (error) {
	            // Log the custom error message
	            console.error(`Error processing data: ${error.message}`);
	        } finally {
	            // This block executes regardless of try/catch outcome
	            console.log("Processing attempt completed.");
	// Example usage
	const sampleData = [{ id: 1, name: "Item 1" }, { name: "Item 2" }, { id: 3, name: "Item 3" }];


  • The function processData is defined to accept an array dataArray.
  • We use forEach to iterate over each element in the array.
  • Inside the forEach, a try block checks if the current object has an id property. If not, it throws a custom error.
  • The catch block catches this custom error and logs an error message, specifying the nature of the error.
  • The finally block is used to log a message that indicates the completion of the processing attempt.
  • The example usage demonstrates the function with a sample data array, where one object lacks an id, triggering the error handling mechanism.