File delivery and Lånekassen


Welcome to the lesson on File Delivery and Lånekassen. Remember, if you have questions just start a discussion and we will be there to help.


All students need to self-register themselves at the start of a semester, and to receive funding. Please see this article for more information.


By now, you have most likely received an invoice from Noroff for your first semester. Depending on when you have applied, this might have a tight due date - and perhaps you still need to wait a couple of days before you have your funding from Lånekassen.

If have you any problems paying the invoice by the required date or would like to set up a payment, please contact support.

Invoice dates (as of 2020) are as follows:

Startup January March August October
Invoice Date 1 February 1 April 1 September 1 November
Due Date 15 February 15 April 15 September 15 November

Student ID

Online students can follow this guide to get a student ID.

How to deliver

There are a few rules that you must follow, such as naming conventions, file formats, image resolutions and more.

What to include

For all assignments and projects, you should include a set of files. Normally this will be listed in the assignment. It could be idea development files, work files and assets, finished products, and reports. To make it clean and tidy, you should always name these files a certain way, and put them into separate folders for each category.

If the assignment asks for a submission in PDF, please ensure the boundaries of the page fit in the PDF and there is no clipping on the edges.

Main folder

Always submit your work for any assignment as one or more separate files. Your submission file(s) should be named as follows:

  • Date(YYYY-MM-DD)_Course_AssignmentShortcode_YourName_FileType

Examples of filenames based on this scheme are:

  • 2017-08-24_intro_ma1_John-Doe_report.pdf
  • 2018-02-21_htmlcss_ma2_Ola-Nordmann_fp.png

NOTE: Your files always need to be named using the file naming convention, unless told otherwise in the assignment brief.

File categories

Below are some of the file categories that you might encounter:

  • Drawings (dr)
  • Idea Development (id)
    • Sketches
    • Brainstorming
    • Research
    • Other
  • Work file (wf) – Any relevant working file, for instance from illustrator, photoshop or similar.
  • Finished product(s) (fp) – The finished product for delivery.
  • Report (report) – In depth, reflective summary of every phase in your assignment or project and a detailed self-evaluation. This must always be delivered as a PDF.

Upload your files

When you click on the delivery-link in Teams for your assignment or project, you’ll be asked to add and upload your files.

You can add comments to your delivery, but tutors do not get notified of these comments and may miss your comments. We encourage you to rather make use of Teams when you would like to ask for specific feedback on a delivery.

You can edit your submission and delete / re-add files, but for your submission to be accepted it must be submitted before the deadline. This moves us to the next step: Submit Assignment.

Once you hit that button, the submission will be confirmed and marked as delivered. You can no longer edit or add anything except comments.

When submitting assignments you will be asked to confirm that you have not plagiarised in the submission (you will read more about plagiarism in your next lesson). Before saving changes to a submission, there will be a checkbox to tick on the delivery. Please check it before you deliver.

Missing a deadline

COMPUTER CRASH (and similar reasons, cat stole your mouse, etc.) will not be accepted as an excuse for missing a delivery. You are responsible for your own equipment, and responsible for keeping daily backups!

Working inside a cloud folder

It can be a very good idea to either duplicate, or work inside a cloud-folder - for instance Dropbox, Onedrive or similar. This way you are (almost) guaranteed that you won’t lose your work, or even accidentally overwrite a file, as the mentioned services keep a file history.


Students are always encouraged to make assignment deadlines on time. It is understood that students sometimes have reasons for needing an extension of an assignment delivery date due to unforeseen circumstances. Things could happen that may entail valid reasons for needing an extension such as sickness, death of a family member, having to travel, etc.

If you are unable to make an assignment delivery, you must contact a student success manager by Friday 4pm before the submission date. The student success manager/s will assess your reason for the extension, and you will be told if you have been granted an extension and for how long.

Only extensions for health reasons will be accepted with a valid doctor’s note.

Lesson task

If you haven’t done so already, now will be a good time to set up your personal learning environment on your home computer. It can be a good idea to work inside a cloud folder.

Setting up your personal learning environment

• Create a main folder for your Front-end Development-programme. If relevant, place this inside your cloud folder so that it is always synced. Make sure you have easy access to the folder at all times. Inside this folder, you should create a structure that you find comfortable. For instance, you can create folders for all the different courses (design, html-css, javascript-1, etc - extract this from your progression plan). It’s up to you.

• On the course assignment, you will have to deliver some files, so you might as well set up your folder for your first assignment right now.

• Make sure you have an office-package available. Office 365 is provided by Noroff, but you can also use Google Docs. Both of these packages allow you to save your documents as PDF, which is a requirement for delivering written content.