

It’s time to take what you’ve learned from Module 5 and apply it to your Course Assignment.



  1. Think about your design and where multimedia might be appropriate.
  2. Consider the potential for adding progress or meter elements if appropriate.
  3. Consider adding tooltip titles to links or form elements.


  1. Configure your site for GitHub Pages.
  2. Deploy your main branch to GitHub Pages.
  3. Optionally configure a domain or subdomain.
  4. Test your site on as many different devices as you can:
    1. Android mobile
    2. iPhone
    3. Tablet
    4. Smart TV
  5. Test your site on as many different browsers as you can:
    1. Chrome
    2. Firefox
    3. Safari
    4. Edge
    5. Internet Explorer
  6. Take notes of any issues encountered and fix them.

Accessibility Check

  1. Open your project in the Wave tool and run a report.
  2. Implement fixes for any errors or alerts.
  3. Open Chrome and run a Lighthouse accessibility report.
  4. Implement fixes for any errors or alerts.
  5. Create a checklist of every page on the site.
  6. Without using the mouse, make sure you can access every page via the navigation.
  7. Visit any pages with a form and make sure you can fill out and send the form without a mouse.

Questions to ask yourself about the CA so far

  • Can my site be accessed from the internet?
  • Does my site feature rich accessibility features?
  • Does my site have a fluid user experience?
  • What more can I do to help my users?

Outcomes for this module

You should now be able to say:

  • “I can ensure an accessible experience for everyone”
  • “I can handle rich media such as audio or video”
  • “I can deploy a web project to a static host”