Vite with TypeScript

Getting setup with Vite and TypeScript is easy with the use of a template supplied by Vite.

Step 1: Create the project

You can simply run the following command. Choose the right one based on which npm version you are using:

npm versions 7+ (preferred)

	npm create vite@latest vite-ts-app -- --template vanilla-ts

npm versions 6.x

	npm create vite@latest vite-ts-app --template vanilla-ts

Running the correct command above will create a Vite vanilla TypeScript app pre-configured for you.

You can find more information in the Guide

Step 2: Install the dependencies

You will now need to install the dependencies.

Run npm install in the root folder of your project.

Step 3: Start the dev server

Run npm run dev to start your dev server. Once running, you will see your Vite TypeScript project setup.

Vite example

Above: Our Vite TypeScript project.

When you save a file you’ll notice that the project reloads, making it a very positive developer experience.

Lesson task


For the student to be able to create a Vite TypeScript project.


Follow the Level 1 Process as instructed.

NOTE: Lesson tasks do not get submitted on Moodle and are not assessed by tutors. They are mainly there for you to practise what you have learned in the lesson.

Level 1 process

  1. Create a new Vite app with the TypeScript template.
  2. Run the development server
  3. Make changes to the files to notice the changes.

Additional resources Guide