JavaScript 2

0% completed


Welcome to the JavaScript 2 course, throughout the following modules we will dive deeper into the complex and exciting world of JavaScript programming. Learning any programming language requires patience, persistence, trial and error - you will find it helpful to view JavaScript 1 and 2 as two halves of the same comprehensive course.

In many cases we will refer to concepts from JavaScript 1, but this does not mean that you should have the entire course memorised. As developers we frequently refer to documentation to remind ourselves of certain options. A professional programmer is not someone who has everything memorised, rather someone who can read syntax fluently, refer to the right information at the right time and remain calm in the face of a complex challenge.

There are many new terms and concepts contained in this course that are applicable across all programming languages and only need to be learned once per career. This resource will be required as a reference throughout the remainder of the FED2 program even after finishing the assessment. Remember that all JavaScript frameworks use JavaScript as their foundation - by taking the time to properly understand the contents of this course, working with these frameworks becomes significantly easier.