
In JavaScript, a Map is a collection of key-value pairs where both keys and values can be of any type. This makes Map more versatile than objects, which only support string or symbol keys. Map preserves the insertion order of elements, which is not guaranteed in objects.

Creating a Map

A Map can be created by passing an array of key-value pairs to the Map constructor.


	let capitals = new Map([
	  ['USA', 'Washington, D.C.'],
	  ['France', 'Paris'],
	  ['Japan', 'Tokyo']

Adding Elements to a Map

Elements can be added to a Map using the set method.


	capitals.set('India', 'New Delhi');

Accessing Map Elements

Values in a Map can be accessed using the get method.


	console.log(capitals.get('France')); // Paris

Checking for Elements

To check if a Map contains a key, use the has method.


	if (capitals.has('Japan')) {
	  console.log('Japan is in the map');
	} else {
	  console.log('Japan is not in the map');

Iterating Over a Map

Map objects can be iterated using methods like forEach or the for...of loop.


	capitals.forEach((value, key) => {
	  console.log(`${key}: ${value}`);
	for (let [key, value] of capitals) {
	  console.log(`${key}: ${value}`);

Removing Elements

Elements can be removed from a Map using the delete method. To remove all elements, use the clear method.


	capitals.delete('USA'); // Removes the key-value pair for 'USA'
	capitals.clear(); // Clears the map

Size of a Map

The number of key-value pairs in a Map can be found using the size property.


	console.log(capitals.size); // Outputs the number of key-value pairs in the map

Differences from Objects

  • Key Types: Map keys can be of any type, whereas object keys are strings or symbols.
  • Order of Elements: Map preserves the order of elements.
  • Size Property: Map has a size property, while the size of an object must be determined manually.


The Map object in JavaScript is a useful data structure for storing pairs of keys and values. Its ability to use any type as a key and to maintain the order of elements makes it a powerful tool for complex data structures.