
A WeakMap in JavaScript is a collection of key-value pairs, where keys are objects and values can be arbitrary values. The key objects in a WeakMap are held weakly, meaning if there is no other reference to the key object, it can be garbage-collected. This feature makes WeakMap a good choice for managing private data for objects or caching without preventing garbage collection of keys.

Creating a WeakMap

A WeakMap is created using the WeakMap constructor, which can optionally be initialized with an array of key-value pairs.


	let weakMap = new WeakMap();
	let obj = {};
	weakMap.set(obj, 'Some Value');

Characteristics of WeakMap

  • Weakly Held Keys: Keys of a WeakMap are weakly referenced, allowing for garbage collection when there’s no other reference to the key.
  • Object Keys: The keys in a WeakMap must be objects, not primitive values.
  • Not Enumerable: The keys and values in a WeakMap are not enumerable. This means you cannot iterate over them or directly inspect their contents.

Setting and Getting Values

Values in a WeakMap can be set and retrieved using the set and get methods, respectively.


	let keyObj = {};
	weakMap.set(keyObj, { data: 'Some data' });
	console.log(weakMap.get(keyObj)); // { data: 'Some data' }

Deleting Key-Value Pairs

Key-value pairs can be removed from a WeakMap using the delete method.



Checking for a Key

You can check if a WeakMap contains a key with the has method.


	if (weakMap.has(keyObj)) {
	  console.log('WeakMap has the key');
	} else {
	  console.log('WeakMap does not have the key');

Use Cases for WeakMap

  • Storing Private Data: Ideal for associating private data with an object without exposing it.
  • Caching and Memoization: Useful in caching data associated with objects, where the cache does not prevent the objects from being garbage-collected.
  • Managing DOM Elements: Can be used to store data related to DOM elements in web development without interfering with DOM garbage collection.


  • Limited API: WeakMap has a limited API, only providing methods for setting, getting, deleting, and checking for a key.
  • No Direct Enumeration: The contents of a WeakMap cannot be directly enumerated.


WeakMap is a powerful tool in JavaScript for associating data with objects in a way that doesn’t interfere with garbage collection. It is particularly useful in situations where you want to privately associate data with an object or maintain a cache that doesn’t prevent the keys from being garbage-collected.