Code Coverage

What is Code Coverage

Code coverage is a metric used to measure how much of your code is exercised by your tests. It helps in identifying untested parts of a codebase, ensuring that your application is thoroughly tested. Code coverage can provide insights into areas that might need more testing, thus helping in maintaining a high quality of code.

In JavaScript, code coverage tools analyze your codebase while running tests and generate reports indicating which lines of code were executed. Higher code coverage percentages generally indicate better-tested code, though it is important to remember that high coverage does not necessarily mean bug-free code. It just means that more code paths have been exercised during testing.

Add a coverage script to package.json

Add a script to your package.json file to run Vitest with coverage reporting. This script will generate a coverage report in the coverage directory.

	  "scripts": {
	    // ... other scripts
	    "coverage": "vitest --coverage"

Run the coverage script

Run the coverage script using the following command:

	npm run coverage

The first time you run it, it might prompt you to install a v8 dependency. Follow the instructions to install it.

v8 installation

Rerun the coverage script after installing the v8 dependency.

You will see there is a report generated in the terminal was running, showing how much of code has tests written for it.

Full coverage

Add a new function

We will now add a new function but without tests so we can see that our test coverage will decrease.

Add a new function to the math.js file for multiplication:

	// math.mjs
	export function add(a, b) {
	  return a + b;
	export function subtract(a, b) {
	  return a - b;
	export function multiply(a, b) {
	  return a * b;

Rerun the coverage script:

	npm run coverage

You will then see that the coverage has decreased because the new function multiply does not have any tests written for it. It also shows us that lines 11 - 12 are not covered by tests.

Missing test coverage

coverage folder

You will see a new coverage folder created in your project directory. This folder contains the coverage report in HTML format.

Open the index.html file in your browser to view the coverage report.

Coverage report

Best Practices for Test Coverage

While aiming for high test coverage is beneficial, it’s crucial to follow best practices to ensure that your tests are effective and meaningful. Here are some best practices to consider when working with test coverage:

1. Prioritize Critical Code Paths

Focus on testing the most critical parts of your codebase, such as business logic, data processing, and security-related code. Prioritizing these areas ensures that the most important functionality of your application is well-tested.

2. Write Meaningful Tests

Aim for tests that are meaningful and validate the correctness of your code. Ensure that each test case is designed to verify a specific piece of functionality or a particular scenario. Avoid writing tests merely to increase coverage metrics.

3. Test All Types of Code

Make sure to include tests for all types of code, including:

  • Unit Tests: Test individual functions and methods.
  • Integration Tests: Test how different parts of your application work together.
  • Functional Tests: Test the application’s functionality from an end-user perspective.
  • Regression Tests: Ensure that new code changes do not break existing functionality.

4. Use Coverage Reports Wisely

Use coverage reports to identify gaps in your testing, but do not rely solely on the percentage numbers. Analyze uncovered lines and assess whether they are worth testing. Sometimes, certain code paths (e.g., debug or logging statements) might not need thorough testing.

5. Aim for High Coverage, But Be Realistic

While striving for high coverage is good, it’s important to be realistic. Achieving 100% coverage is often impractical and may not always be necessary. Aim for a balanced approach where critical code paths are well-covered.

6. Focus on Branch Coverage

Branch coverage, which ensures that every possible branch (e.g., if-else statements) in the code is tested, can be more informative than statement or line coverage. It helps in identifying edge cases and potential issues in decision-making logic.

7. Automate Code Coverage Reports

Integrate code coverage reporting into your continuous integration (CI) pipeline. Automated reports help in maintaining and monitoring coverage over time, ensuring that your codebase remains well-tested as it evolves.

8. Refactor Tests Along with Code

As you refactor your codebase, ensure that your tests are also updated. Outdated or broken tests can lead to false confidence in code quality. Regularly review and refactor tests to keep them relevant.

9. Mock External Dependencies

When testing code that interacts with external systems (e.g., databases, APIs), use mocks and stubs to simulate these dependencies. This helps in isolating the code under test and ensures that tests are reliable and fast.

10. Avoid Over-Mocking

While mocking is useful, over-mocking can lead to brittle tests that are tightly coupled to implementation details. Aim for a balance where your tests are isolated yet meaningful and reflective of real-world scenarios.

11. Regularly Review Coverage Reports

Periodically review coverage reports to identify trends and areas that need improvement. Use these reviews to guide your testing strategy and focus on areas with low coverage that are critical to your application.

12. Educate Your Team

Ensure that your development team understands the importance of test coverage and follows best practices. Provide training and resources to help them write effective tests and use coverage tools efficiently.

13. Use Descriptive Test Names

Use descriptive names for your test cases to clearly communicate the intent and purpose of each test. This makes it easier for others (and future you) to understand what is being tested and why.


Following these best practices can help you achieve a well-tested codebase with meaningful test coverage. Remember that while high coverage is desirable, the ultimate goal is to ensure that your application is reliable, maintainable, and free of critical bugs. By focusing on meaningful tests and critical code paths, you can make the most of your test coverage efforts.