Big O Factorial

O(n!) - Factorial Time Complexity

Introduction to O(n!)

O(n!), or Factorial Time complexity, is among the most resource-intensive complexity classes in algorithm design. In this class, the number of operations increases factorially with the addition of each new element to the input. This exponential growth makes O(n!) algorithms highly impractical for even moderately sized datasets.

Explanation of O(n!)

Factorial complexity typically arises in algorithms that involve generating all possible permutations of a set of data. As the size of the set increases, the number of permutations grows factorially, since each new element can be inserted in all positions of each permutation of the previous set.

Assessment of O(n!)

Due to the extremely rapid increase in operations required as the input grows, algorithms with O(n!) complexity are often unsuitable for large input sizes. They are mainly used in problems where all permutations need to be considered, and optimizing or limiting the size of the input is crucial.

JavaScript Code Examples

Example 1: Generating All Permutations of an Array Calculating all possible orderings of an array is a common example of an O(n!) algorithm.

	function generatePermutations(arr) {
	  if (arr.length === 0) return [[]];
	  const result = [];
	  for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
	    const rest = generatePermutations(arr.filter((_, index) => index !== i));
	    rest.forEach((permutation) => {
	      result.push([arr[i], ...permutation]);
	  return result;

Calculation of Time Complexity for Generating Permutations:

  1. Each call to generatePermutations involves iterating over the array and generating permutations of the rest of the array.
  2. This results in n! (factorial) operations, as each level of recursion has one fewer element to arrange, leading to a factorial growth in the number of operations.

Example 2: The Traveling Salesman Problem (Brute Force Approach) The brute-force solution to the Traveling Salesman Problem, which involves finding the shortest possible route that visits a set of cities and returns to the origin city, is another example of O(n!) complexity.

	function travellingSalesman(cities, start) {
	  // Implementation details would involve generating all permutations
	  // of the cities and then calculating the total distance for each permutation.
	  // The shortest route would be the answer.

Calculation of Time Complexity for Traveling Salesman Problem:

  1. The brute-force approach requires generating all possible orders in which to visit the cities.
  2. For n cities, there are n! (factorial) different permutations to consider.

These examples, generating all permutations and the Traveling Salesman Problem, illustrate the immense computational demands of O(n!) complexity. They highlight the need for optimization or alternative approaches in practical applications. The preceding sections have covered a range of complexities, providing a comprehensive understanding of the time complexity landscape in algorithm design and its practical implications in JavaScript programming.