Using Web Workers with Third-Party Libraries

Using Web Workers with Third-Party Libraries

Web Workers can be integrated with third-party libraries to simplify their usage and extend their capabilities. In this section, we’ll explore how to use Web Workers with popular libraries and provide examples of how these integrations can enhance your development workflow.

1. Simplifying Worker Communication with Comlink

Comlink is a popular library that makes working with Web Workers easier by abstracting away the complexities of message passing. It allows you to use Web Workers as if they were regular JavaScript objects, enabling method calls and property access directly on the worker.

1.1 Setting Up Comlink

To get started with Comlink, you can install it via npm or include it via a CDN.

	npm install comlink

Alternatively, you can include it in your HTML:

	<script src=""></script>

1.2 Example: Using Comlink with a Worker

Let’s rewrite a basic example using Comlink:

Worker Script (worker.js):

	const workerApi = {
	  calculateSquare(num) {
	    return num * num;

Main Script (main.js):

	import Comlink from 'comlink';
	async function main() {
	  const myWorker = new Worker('worker.js');
	  const workerApi = Comlink.wrap(myWorker);
	  const result = await workerApi.calculateSquare(5);
	  console.log('Square of 5 is:', result);


  • In the worker script, we define an object workerApi with methods that we want to expose to the main thread. The Comlink.expose function makes this object available to the main thread.

  • In the main script, we use Comlink.wrap to wrap the worker instance and gain access to the workerApi methods. These methods can be called directly, and they return promises that resolve to the result of the worker’s computation.

1.3 Benefits of Using Comlink

  • Simplicity: Comlink abstracts away the details of postMessage and onmessage, allowing you to interact with workers as if they were regular JavaScript objects.

  • Readability: Code using Comlink is often more readable and maintainable, as it avoids the boilerplate associated with traditional worker communication.

  • Flexibility: Comlink supports both synchronous and asynchronous operations, making it suitable for a wide range of use cases.

2. Web Workers with RxJS

RxJS (Reactive Extensions for JavaScript) is a library for reactive programming using observables. It can be combined with Web Workers to handle streams of data in a responsive and efficient manner.

2.1 Example: Using RxJS with a Worker

Let’s see how to set up a basic example using RxJS and Web Workers:

Worker Script (worker.js):

	self.onmessage = function (e) {
	  const number =;
	  const result = number * number;

Main Script (main.js):

	import { fromEvent } from 'rxjs';
	import { map, mergeMap } from 'rxjs/operators';
	const myWorker = new Worker('worker.js');
	const input = document.getElementById('numberInput');
	const output = document.getElementById('output');
	const input$ = fromEvent(input, 'input');
	    map((event) =>,
	      (value) =>
	        new Promise((resolve) => {
	          myWorker.onmessage = function (e) {
	  .subscribe((result) => {
	    output.textContent = `Square: ${result}`;


  • The fromEvent function from RxJS is used to create an observable from the input event of a text field.

  • The map operator is used to extract the value from the input event, and mergeMap is used to send this value to the worker and wait for the result.

  • The result is then displayed in the output element. The reactive approach provided by RxJS makes this code more declarative and easier to reason about, especially as the complexity of the data flow increases.

2.2 Benefits of Using RxJS with Web Workers

  • Reactive Streams: RxJS allows you to work with streams of data in a reactive manner, making it easier to manage complex workflows involving Web Workers.

  • Composability: The use of operators like map and mergeMap allows for easy composition of data transformations and worker communication.

  • Asynchronous Handling: RxJS seamlessly integrates with the asynchronous nature of Web Workers, enabling smooth handling of async operations within streams.

3. Integrating Web Workers with Other Libraries

Many other libraries and frameworks can also benefit from Web Workers:

  • Lodash: For intensive data manipulation, Web Workers can be used to offload operations performed by libraries like Lodash, ensuring that the UI remains responsive.

  • TensorFlow.js: When performing machine learning tasks in the browser with TensorFlow.js, Web Workers can be used to run model inference in the background, freeing up the main thread for user interactions.

  • Three.js: For complex 3D rendering tasks, Web Workers can be employed to perform computations like physics simulations or heavy data processing, allowing the rendering to remain smooth.

Example: TensorFlow.js with Web Workers

Worker Script (tfWorker.js):

	self.onmessage = async function (e) {
	  const { modelUrl, inputData } =;
	  const model = await tf.loadGraphModel(modelUrl);
	  const inputTensor = tf.tensor(inputData);
	  const result = model.predict(inputTensor).dataSync();

Main Script (main.js):

	const myWorker = new Worker('tfWorker.js');
	const modelUrl = '';
	const inputData = [
	  /* input data array */
	myWorker.postMessage({ modelUrl, inputData });
	myWorker.onmessage = function (e) {
	  console.log('Prediction result:',;

In this example, TensorFlow.js is used in a worker to perform model prediction, keeping the main thread free for user interactions.

4. Best Practices for Integrating Libraries with Web Workers

  • Check Compatibility: Before integrating a third-party library with Web Workers, ensure that the library can run in a worker context. Libraries that rely on the DOM or browser-specific APIs may not be suitable for use in workers.

  • Optimize Data Transfer: When passing data to and from workers, especially in conjunction with third-party libraries, use techniques like transferring ownership of objects to minimize overhead.

  • Modularize Worker Logic: Keep the worker scripts modular and focused on specific tasks. This makes it easier to integrate with different libraries and simplifies maintenance.