Handling Errors in Web Workers

Handling Errors in Web Workers

When working with Web Workers, it’s important to handle errors effectively to ensure that your application remains robust and can recover gracefully from unexpected issues. In this section, we’ll explore how to handle errors in Web Workers and provide examples to illustrate the concepts.

1. Error Handling in Web Workers

Just like in the main thread, errors can occur in Web Workers. These errors might result from invalid operations, syntax errors, or issues in the logic of the worker script. When an error occurs in a worker, you can handle it using the onerror event handler.

Example: Handling Errors in a Worker

Let’s modify our worker script to intentionally produce an error and handle it:

Worker Script (worker.js):

	self.onmessage = function (e) {
	  try {
	    // Intentional error: undefinedVariable is not defined
	    const result = undefinedVariable * e.data;
	  } catch (error) {
	    // Send the error message back to the main thread
	    self.postMessage({ error: error.message });

Main Script (main.js):

	const myWorker = new Worker('worker.js');
	myWorker.onmessage = function (e) {
	  if (e.data.error) {
	    console.error('Error from Worker:', e.data.error);
	  } else {
	    console.log('Result from Worker:', e.data);
	myWorker.onerror = function (e) {
	  console.error('Worker error:', e.message);


  • In the worker script, we wrap the code inside a try-catch block. If an error occurs, we catch it and send the error message back to the main thread.

  • In the main script, we check if the worker’s response contains an error and handle it appropriately by logging it to the console.

2. Global Error Handling in Workers

In addition to catching specific errors using try-catch, you can also set up a global error handler for the worker. This handler will be triggered whenever an unhandled error occurs.

Example: Global Error Handling

Worker Script (worker.js):

	self.onerror = function (e) {
	  // Handle the error
	  console.error('Worker caught an error:', e.message);
	  // Prevent the default behavior (which would terminate the worker)
	  return true;
	self.onmessage = function (e) {
	  // This will cause a ReferenceError
	  const result = someUndefinedVariable * e.data;

Main Script (main.js):

	const myWorker = new Worker('worker.js');
	myWorker.onerror = function (e) {
	  console.error('Error from Worker:', e.message);


  • The onerror event handler in the worker script allows you to catch and handle any errors that are not caught by try-catch blocks. By returning true from the handler, you can prevent the default behavior of terminating the worker when an error occurs.

3. Debugging Workers

Debugging Web Workers can be slightly more challenging than debugging the main thread because workers run in a separate context. However, modern browsers provide developer tools that allow you to inspect and debug Web Workers.

Tips for Debugging Web Workers:

  • Use console.log Statements: Insert console.log statements in your worker code to log messages and variables. These logs will appear in the browser’s developer console under a separate “Worker” context.

  • Set Breakpoints: If you’re using Chrome or Firefox, you can set breakpoints in your worker script through the developer tools, just like you would in the main thread.

  • Check the Network Tab: If you’re having issues loading your worker script, check the Network tab in the developer tools to ensure the script is being loaded correctly.

4. Example: Error Handling in a Worker

Let’s create a full example that demonstrates error handling in both the worker and main thread.

Worker Script (worker.js):

	self.onmessage = function (e) {
	  try {
	    // This will cause a ReferenceError
	    const result = someUndefinedVariable * e.data;
	  } catch (error) {
	    self.postMessage({ error: error.message });
	self.onerror = function (e) {
	  console.error('Worker caught an error:', e.message);
	  return true;

Main Script (main.js):

	const myWorker = new Worker('worker.js');
	myWorker.onmessage = function (e) {
	  if (e.data.error) {
	    console.error('Error from Worker:', e.data.error);
	  } else {
	    console.log('Result from Worker:', e.data);
	myWorker.onerror = function (e) {
	  console.error('Error from Worker:', e.message);

In this example, the worker will trigger a ReferenceError, which is caught and handled by both the local try-catch block and the global onerror handler. The main thread will log the error received from the worker.