Web App Manifest

Web App Manifest

The Web App Manifest is a simple JSON file that provides essential information about your Progressive Web Application (PWA). This file allows your web app to be installed on a user’s device, just like a native app. It defines how your app appears to users, what icon it should display, what its name is, and even how it should behave when launched.

1. Introduction to Web App Manifests

The Web App Manifest is a critical component of PWAs. It gives developers control over how the app should be presented to the user, both when it’s added to the home screen and when it’s launched. By defining properties like the app’s name, icons, and start URL, you can create a more cohesive and integrated experience for users.

Key Concepts:

  • JSON Format: The manifest file is written in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), which is a lightweight data format.
  • Linking to Your App: The manifest must be linked to your HTML file to take effect.
  • Customizable: You can customize the user experience by specifying various properties in the manifest.

2. Creating a Web App Manifest

Creating a Web App Manifest involves defining the key properties that describe your application. Below is an example of a basic manifest file.

Example: manifest.json

	  "name": "My Awesome PWA",
	  "short_name": "AwesomePWA",
	  "description": "An example of a Progressive Web Application",
	  "start_url": "/index.html",
	  "display": "standalone",
	  "background_color": "#ffffff",
	  "theme_color": "#000000",
	  "icons": [
	      "src": "/icons/icon-192x192.png",
	      "type": "image/png",
	      "sizes": "192x192"
	      "src": "/icons/icon-512x512.png",
	      "type": "image/png",
	      "sizes": "512x512"

This example shows a simple manifest file with key properties such as name, short_name, start_url, display, and icons.

3. Key Properties of the Manifest

Each property in the manifest plays a specific role in defining how your PWA appears and behaves.

  • name: The full name of your PWA, used in places like the app launcher.
  • short_name: A shorter version of the app’s name, used when there’s limited space, like under the app icon.
  • description: A brief description of what your PWA does.
  • start_url: The URL that your app should open to when launched.
  • display: Controls the display mode. Options include:
    • standalone: The app appears like a native app without browser UI.
    • fullscreen: The app runs in full-screen mode.
    • minimal-ui: The app shows minimal browser UI.
    • browser: The app runs in a standard browser window.
  • background_color: The color shown while the app is loading.
  • theme_color: The color of the browser’s address bar when the app is launched.
  • icons: An array of icons in different sizes used for the app icon.

4. Linking the Manifest to Your Application

To use the manifest, you need to link it in your HTML file. This is done with a simple <link> tag in the <head> section of your HTML.


	<!DOCTYPE html>
	<html lang="en">
	    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
	    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
	    <link rel="manifest" href="/manifest.json" />
	    <title>My Awesome PWA</title>
	    <h1>Welcome to My Awesome PWA</h1>

Here, the manifest file manifest.json is linked to the HTML document, allowing the browser to use the information contained within it.

5. Customizing the Launch Experience

The start_url and display properties are particularly important for customizing how your PWA behaves when launched from the home screen. By specifying the start_url, you control where the user is directed when they open your PWA. The display property allows you to choose whether the PWA runs in full-screen mode, standalone mode, or within the browser.


	  "start_url": "/dashboard.html",
	  "display": "standalone"

In this example, when the PWA is launched from the home screen, it will open the dashboard.html page and display in standalone mode, giving it an app-like appearance without browser chrome (address bar, navigation buttons).

6. Testing Your Web App Manifest

To ensure that your manifest file is correctly set up and recognized by the browser, you can use browser developer tools. Most modern browsers, including Chrome and Firefox, provide a “Manifest” section in their developer tools where you can view and test your manifest.


  1. Open your PWA in a browser.
  2. Right-click on the page and select “Inspect” to open the developer tools.
  3. Navigate to the “Application” or “Web Manifest” tab.
  4. Review the properties of your manifest and check for any errors.

The Web App Manifest is a powerful tool that transforms a regular web application into a Progressive Web Application with a more native app-like experience. By carefully crafting your manifest file and linking it to your application, you enable users to install your app on their devices, customize how it appears, and control how it behaves when launched.