
In JavaScript, a WeakSet is a collection of objects that are held “weakly.” Unlike a regular Set, where objects are held strongly, the objects in a WeakSet can be garbage collected when they are not referenced elsewhere. This characteristic makes WeakSet particularly useful for managing large objects or in situations where memory management is a concern.

Creating a WeakSet

A WeakSet can be created using the WeakSet constructor. It can optionally take an iterable of objects as an argument to initialize the WeakSet.


	let weakSet = new WeakSet();
	let obj = {};

Characteristics of WeakSet

  • Objects Only: WeakSet can only store objects, not primitive values.
  • Weak References: References to objects in a WeakSet are held weakly. If there is no other reference to an object stored in the WeakSet, it can be garbage collected.
  • Not Enumerable: Due to their nature, WeakSets are not enumerable. This means you cannot iterate over them, nor can you obtain their size.

Adding and Removing Elements

Objects can be added to a WeakSet using the add method and removed using the delete method.


	let anotherObj = {};

Checking for Elements

You can check if an object is in a WeakSet using the has method.


	if (weakSet.has(anotherObj)) {
	  console.log('WeakSet contains the object');
	} else {
	  console.log('WeakSet does not contain the object');

Use Cases for WeakSet

  • Managing Large Objects: Ideal for storing large objects that you want to be automatically removed when they are no longer in use.
  • Storing DOM Elements: Useful in web development for keeping track of DOM elements without preventing them from being garbage collected.
  • Memoization and Caching: Can be used for caching purposes where the cached data should not prevent the cached objects from being garbage collected.


  • No Direct Enumeration: You cannot directly enumerate the contents of a WeakSet. There are no methods to obtain a list of the objects stored in it.
  • No Size Property: WeakSet does not have a size property, and there is no way to determine the number of objects in a WeakSet.


WeakSet in JavaScript provides a unique functionality of storing weakly held objects, which is beneficial for efficient memory management. However, due to their limitations, they are used in specific scenarios where the automatic garbage collection of unreferenced objects is desired.