
In JavaScript, Symbol is a primitive data type introduced in ES6 (ECMAScript 2015). Each Symbol value is unique and immutable, making it ideal for creating unique identifiers for object properties and for representing concepts with a degree of privacy.

Creating Symbols

Symbols are created using the Symbol function. Optionally, you can pass a description to the Symbol function, which can be useful for debugging but does not affect the uniqueness of the symbol.


	let mySymbol = Symbol('my unique symbol');
	let anotherSymbol = Symbol('another symbol');

Uniqueness of Symbols

Each time Symbol() is called, a new and unique symbol is created. Even if two symbols have the same description, they are considered different.


	let symbol1 = Symbol('identifier');
	let symbol2 = Symbol('identifier');
	console.log(symbol1 === symbol2); // false

Using Symbols as Object Keys

Symbols are often used as keys for object properties when you want to create a property that is not a string and is unique and hidden from certain object-property enumerations.


	let myObject = {
	  [mySymbol]: 'value of my symbol key'
	console.log(myObject[mySymbol]); // 'value of my symbol key'

Symbols and Iteration

Properties keyed by symbols are not included in standard iterations over object properties, such as loops or Object.keys().


	for (let key in myObject) {
	  console.log(key); // This loop will not log the symbol-keyed property
	console.log(Object.keys(myObject)); // An array without the symbol-keyed property

Global Symbol Registry

The global symbol registry allows you to create global symbols that can be accessed from anywhere in your code. This is done using Symbol.for() and Symbol.keyFor().


	let globalSymbol = Symbol.for('globalSymbol');
	let sameGlobalSymbol = Symbol.for('globalSymbol');
	console.log(globalSymbol === sameGlobalSymbol); // true
	let symbolKey = Symbol.keyFor(globalSymbol);
	console.log(symbolKey); // 'globalSymbol'

Use Cases for Symbols

  • Unique Property Keys: Creating object properties that don’t conflict with other property names and are not readily accessible through standard object property enumeration.
  • Implementing Private Properties: Symbols can be used to simulate private properties in JavaScript.
  • Specialized Object Behavior: Using well-known symbols to customize object behavior, like using Symbol.iterator to make an object iterable.


Symbols in JavaScript provide a way to create unique and immutable identifiers, which are especially useful for object properties that need to be unique or hidden from standard property enumerations. They are a powerful feature for managing object state and behavior in a more controlled and private manner.