
In JavaScript, BigInt is a primitive data type that allows you to work with integers larger than the maximum safe integer limit for Number ((2^53 - 1)). This is particularly useful in scenarios like cryptography, dealing with large datasets, or when interacting with systems that require high-precision integer arithmetic.

Creating BigInts

A BigInt is created by appending n to the end of an integer literal or by calling the BigInt() function.


	let largeNumber = 9007199254740991n; // Using the BigInt literal
	let anotherLargeNumber = BigInt(9007199254740991); // Using the BigInt function

Arithmetic with BigInts

BigInts support most arithmetic operations, like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. However, mixing BigInts with regular Number types in operations is not allowed and will throw an error.


	let sum = largeNumber + anotherLargeNumber;
	let difference = largeNumber - anotherLargeNumber;
	let product = largeNumber * anotherLargeNumber;
	let quotient = largeNumber / anotherLargeNumber;
	console.log(sum, difference, product, quotient);

BigInt and Regular Numbers

Since BigInt and Number are different types, operations between them are not directly allowed. You must explicitly convert them if necessary.


	let regularNumber = 5;
	// let mixedOperation = largeNumber + regularNumber; // This will throw an error
	let convertedOperation = largeNumber + BigInt(regularNumber);

Limitations and Use Cases

  • Precision: BigInt allows for precise integer arithmetic without the precision loss that can occur with very large or small Number types.
  • Not Usable with Math Object: BigInt is not compatible with the JavaScript Math object.
  • Use Cases: Ideal for situations requiring high-precision integer arithmetic, like large-scale financial calculations, handling large datasets, and in certain aspects of web cryptography.

Comparison and Equality

BigInt can be compared using standard comparison operators. When comparing a BigInt with a Number, the Number is converted to a BigInt for the comparison.


	console.log(largeNumber > anotherLargeNumber); // false
	console.log(largeNumber === anotherLargeNumber); // false


BigInt in JavaScript is a powerful feature for handling very large integers, exceeding the limitations of the Number data type. Its primary use is in applications that require high-precision integer arithmetic.