Module 4

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In this module, we will explore advanced data types in JavaScript that are often overlooked by developers but are essential for writing efficient and maintainable code. We’ll start by examining Map and Set, two powerful data structures that offer unique advantages over more commonly used objects and arrays. These tools can significantly enhance your ability to manage collections of data.

Next, we will explore NodeJS and server-side JavaScript in more detail. Although server-side JavaScript is technically the domain of a backend developer - as front-end developers we must have a good grasp of this tool. Node provides us with many tools that speed up development, and allows for applications to be deployed to the internet.

From there, we will explore Progressive Web Applications - an approach to building native-like web applications that can be used offline on any device, receive push notifications and access device features.

Finally we will shift our focus to Web Workers, an advanced feature that enables you to run JavaScript in the background, improving the performance and responsiveness of your web applications by offloading intensive tasks from the main thread.