Vite Build Process

5. Vite Build Process

Build Commands and Configuration

Vite provides a simple and efficient way to build your application for production. The build process uses Rollup under the hood to bundle your application and optimize it for performance. The main build command is vite build, which will generate a production-ready bundle in the dist directory.

Basic Build Command

To build your application, you can run the following command:

	# Run the build command
	npm run build

By default, this command will create a dist directory in your project root, containing the optimized assets.

Customizing the Build Configuration

You can customize the build process by modifying the vite.config.js file. Vite allows you to configure various aspects of the build process, including the output directory, minification settings, and more.

Here is an example of a customized build configuration:

	// vite.config.js
	export default {
	  build: {
	    outDir: 'build', // Specify the output directory
	    sourcemap: true, // Generate source maps for debugging
	    minify: 'terser', // Minify the output using Terser
	    rollupOptions: {
	      // Additional Rollup options
	      output: {
	        entryFileNames: 'assets/[name].[hash].js',
	        chunkFileNames: 'assets/[name].[hash].js',
	        assetFileNames: 'assets/[name].[hash].[ext]'


	// vite.config.js
	export default {
	  build: {
	    outDir: 'build', // Change the output directory to 'build'
	    sourcemap: true, // Generate source maps for easier debugging
	    minify: 'terser', // Use Terser to minify the output
	    rollupOptions: {
	      // Custom Rollup options
	      output: {
	        entryFileNames: 'assets/[name].[hash].js', // Naming pattern for entry files
	        chunkFileNames: 'assets/[name].[hash].js', // Naming pattern for chunk files
	        assetFileNames: 'assets/[name].[hash].[ext]' // Naming pattern for asset files

Output and Optimization

The build process generates optimized assets that are ready for deployment. Vite handles various optimizations, such as:

  • Code Splitting: Vite automatically splits your code into smaller chunks to improve load times.
  • Tree Shaking: Unused code is removed from the final bundle, reducing the bundle size.
  • Minification: The code is minified to reduce file size and improve performance.
  • Asset Optimization: Static assets like images and fonts are optimized for better performance.

Example: Build and Deploy

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to build and deploy a Vite application:

  1. Build the Application: Run the build command to generate the production-ready bundle.
  2. Serve the Static Files: Use a static file server to serve the dist directory.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Build the Application:

    	# Run the build command
    	npm run build
  2. Serve the Static Files:

    	# Use a static file server to serve the 'dist' directory
    	npx serve dist


	# Run the build command to generate the production-ready bundle
	npm run build
	# Use a static file server to serve the 'dist' directory
	# The 'serve' package is used here, but you can use any static file server.
	npx serve dist

This will start a local server that serves the contents of the dist directory. You can open your browser and navigate to the provided local address to see your application running in production mode.

Additional Build Configuration

Vite also allows you to configure other build options, such as:

  • cssCodeSplit: Enable or disable CSS code splitting.
  • commonjsOptions: Configure CommonJS options.
  • lib: Build the project as a library.

Example configuration:

	// vite.config.js
	export default {
	  build: {
	    cssCodeSplit: false, // Disable CSS code splitting
	    commonjsOptions: {
	      // Custom CommonJS options
	      include: /node_modules/
	    lib: {
	      // Build the project as a library
	      entry: 'src/main.js',
	      name: 'MyLibrary',
	      fileName: (format) => `my-library.${format}.js`


	// vite.config.js
	export default {
	  build: {
	    cssCodeSplit: false, // Disable CSS code splitting for better performance
	    commonjsOptions: {
	      // Custom options for handling CommonJS modules
	      include: /node_modules/ // Include all modules in node_modules
	    lib: {
	      // Build the project as a library
	      entry: 'src/main.js', // Entry point for the library
	      name: 'MyLibrary', // Name of the library
	      fileName: (format) => `my-library.${format}.js` // Output file name pattern

By customizing these options, you can tailor the build process to meet the specific needs of your project.