ES13 Ecmascript 2022


ECMAScript 2022, known as ES13, is a significant update to the JavaScript language, introducing several key features that enhance its functionality and improve the coding experience. Released in June 2022, ES13 continued the trend of yearly updates, each refining the language to better meet the needs of modern web development. This version focused on providing more powerful syntax and functions, further enabling developers to write cleaner, more efficient code.

ECMAScript 2022 Language Specification

Detailed Feature Explanation with Examples

1. Class Fields


  • Class fields introduce public and private instance fields, along with static public and private fields in classes. This provides a cleaner, more straightforward syntax for defining and managing class properties.


	class MyClass {
	  publicField = 10;
	  #privateField = 20;
	  static staticPublicField = 30;
	  static #staticPrivateField = 40;
	  showFields() {
	    console.log(this.publicField); // 10
	    console.log(this.#privateField); // 20

2. Top-Level Await


  • Allows the use of the await keyword outside of async functions at the top level of modules. This simplifies the handling of asynchronous operations and dependencies in modules.


	const data = await fetch('');

3. Ergonomic Brand Checks for Private Fields


  • Provides a simpler syntax for checking the existence of private fields in objects. This enhances the encapsulation capabilities of classes.


	class TestClass {
	  static hasPrivateField(instance) {
	    return #privateField in instance;
	const myInstance = new TestClass();
	console.log(TestClass.hasPrivateField(myInstance)); // true

4. Static Class Blocks


  • Static class blocks offer a way to perform complex static initialization logic in classes. This allows for more structured and maintainable code within class definitions.


	class MyClass {
	  static {
	    // Initialization code
	    console.log('Static block executed');

5. RegExp Match Indices


  • Provides additional information about the start and end indices of captured groups in regular expression matches. This is particularly useful for applications like syntax highlighting, where precise location data is needed.


	const regex = /(a)(b)/g;
	const str = 'ab';
	const match = regex.exec(str);
	console.log(match.indices); // [[0, 2], [0, 1], [1, 2]]

6. .at() Method on Built-in Indexables


  • The .at() method provides a cleaner, more readable way to access elements at specific indices, especially supporting negative indices for reverse access.


	let array = [10, 20, 30, 40];
	console.log(; // 40

Common Pitfalls

  • Misusing class fields, especially private ones, which can lead to unexpected behaviors or errors.
  • Overlooking the implications of top-level await on module loading and execution timing.

Further Reading


ES13 represents an ongoing effort to streamline and enhance JavaScript, making it more powerful and easier to use. Features like class fields, top-level await, and the .at() method demonstrate a commitment to evolving the language in ways that respond to the needs of modern web development. These updates not only bring syntactical improvements but also introduce new capabilities that extend the versatility of JavaScript.