The Event Loop

5. The Event Loop

The event loop is one of the most important concepts in JavaScript, especially when dealing with asynchronous programming. It is the mechanism that allows JavaScript to handle asynchronous operations, even though it is single-threaded. Understanding the event loop is crucial for writing non-blocking, efficient code that can manage multiple tasks simultaneously.

What is the Event Loop?

The event loop continuously checks the call stack and the callback queue to manage the execution of code. Here’s how it works:

  1. Check the Call Stack:

    • The event loop checks if the call stack is empty. If there is a function on the call stack, the event loop waits until it is executed and removed from the stack.
  2. Check the Callback Queue:

    • If the call stack is empty, the event loop checks the callback queue. The callback queue contains callback functions from asynchronous operations (like setTimeout, setInterval, or I/O operations) that are ready to be executed.
    • The event loop pushes the first callback from the callback queue to the call stack for execution.
  3. Repeat:

    • This process repeats indefinitely, ensuring that the call stack is always checked first, followed by the callback queue.

How the Event Loop Works:

Let’s explore how the event loop works with a practical example:

	setTimeout(() => {
	  console.log('Timeout callback');
	}, 1000);


  • The console.log("Start") and console.log("End") are synchronous operations, so they are immediately pushed to the call stack and executed.
  • The setTimeout function is an asynchronous operation. The callback function inside setTimeout is not executed immediately but is sent to the Web API, which handles the timer.
  • After the timer completes (after 1000ms in this case), the callback is placed in the callback queue.
  • The event loop waits until the call stack is empty, then pushes the callback from the callback queue to the call stack, where it is executed.

The output of this code will be:

	Timeout callback

This sequence illustrates that even though the setTimeout was called before console.log("End"), its callback executes afterward because it is handled asynchronously.

Blocking vs. Non-Blocking Code

JavaScript’s non-blocking nature allows it to execute code without waiting for long-running operations to complete. This is essential for maintaining performance in web applications, particularly when dealing with I/O operations like network requests or file system access.

Example of Blocking Code:

	function longRunningTask() {
	  const end = + 5000;
	  while ( < end) {
	    // Simulating a long-running task
	  console.log('Task complete');


  • In this example, longRunningTask blocks the main thread for 5 seconds, preventing any other code from executing during that time.
  • The output will be:
	Task complete

This illustrates how blocking code can cause delays and unresponsiveness in an application.

Example of Non-Blocking Code:

	setTimeout(() => {
	  console.log('Timeout callback');
	}, 5000);


  • In this example, the setTimeout function schedules the callback to run after 5 seconds, but the rest of the code continues to execute without waiting.
  • The output will be:
	Timeout callback

This shows how non-blocking code allows other operations to continue while waiting for asynchronous tasks to complete.

The Event Loop and Microtasks

In addition to the callback queue, the event loop also handles the microtask queue. Microtasks are high-priority tasks that are executed before any tasks in the callback queue. Promises and certain other APIs, like MutationObserver, use the microtask queue.

Example with Promises:

	Promise.resolve().then(() => {
	  console.log('Promise callback');


  • Promises are added to the microtask queue, which has higher priority than the callback queue.
  • Even though the promise callback is asynchronous, it will execute before any setTimeout callbacks.
  • The output will be:
	Promise callback

This behavior demonstrates the priority of microtasks over macrotasks (like setTimeout).


The event loop is the engine behind JavaScript’s ability to handle asynchronous operations in a non-blocking manner. By understanding how the event loop works, you can write more efficient and responsive JavaScript code. The interplay between the call stack, callback queue, and microtask queue is essential for managing asynchronous tasks in JavaScript.