The Call Stack

3. The Call Stack

The call stack is a fundamental part of the JavaScript runtime that manages the execution of function calls. Understanding how the call stack operates is crucial for debugging and writing efficient JavaScript code.

What is the Call Stack?

The call stack is a data structure used by the JavaScript engine to keep track of the execution context of functions. When a function is called, a new frame is created and pushed onto the top of the stack. This frame contains all the information the function needs to execute, including its arguments, local variables, and the location to return control after the function has finished executing.

When the function completes, the frame is popped off the stack, and control is returned to the function that made the initial call. If there are no more frames on the stack, the JavaScript engine has finished executing the code.

How the Call Stack Works

Let’s break down a simple example to see the call stack in action:

	function multiply(x, y) {
	  return x * y;
	function square(n) {
	  return multiply(n, n);
	function printSquare(num) {
	  const result = square(num);


  1. printSquare(4) is called:

    • A new frame for printSquare is pushed onto the call stack.
    • The stack now contains printSquare.
  2. square(4) is called from printSquare:

    • A new frame for square is pushed onto the stack.
    • The stack now contains printSquare and square.
  3. multiply(4, 4) is called from square:

    • A new frame for multiply is pushed onto the stack.
    • The stack now contains printSquare, square, and multiply.
  4. multiply(4, 4) returns 16:

    • The frame for multiply is popped off the stack.
    • Control returns to square, and the stack now contains printSquare and square.
  5. square(4) returns 16:

    • The frame for square is popped off the stack.
    • Control returns to printSquare, and the stack now contains only printSquare.
  6. printSquare(4) logs the result and completes execution:

    • The frame for printSquare is popped off the stack.
    • The call stack is now empty.

Stack Overflow

A stack overflow occurs when the call stack exceeds its maximum size. This usually happens when a function calls itself recursively without a base case to terminate the recursion, causing an infinite loop of function calls.

Here’s an example of code that would cause a stack overflow:

	function recursiveFunction() {


  • In this example, recursiveFunction continuously calls itself, causing new frames to be added to the call stack indefinitely. Since the stack has a finite size, it eventually exceeds its capacity, leading to a stack overflow error.

Practical Example: Tracing the Call Stack

Consider a more practical example where the call stack can help identify issues:

	function functionOne() {
	function functionTwo() {
	function functionThree() {
	  throw new Error('Something went wrong!');


  • When this code runs, functionThree throws an error. The call stack helps trace the error back through the function calls, allowing you to see exactly where the issue originated.

In a browser’s developer tools, the stack trace would typically look something like this:

	Error: Something went wrong!
	    at functionThree (script.js:10)
	    at functionTwo (script.js:6)
	    at functionOne (script.js:2)
	    at script.js:14

This trace shows the exact path the execution took before encountering the error, making it easier to debug the issue.


The call stack is a core concept in JavaScript that manages function execution. Understanding how the call stack works, including recognizing how stack overflow errors occur, is essential for effective debugging and writing efficient JavaScript code. In the next section, we will explore events in JavaScript, which interact with the call stack in asynchronous scenarios.