
Interpreter Pattern


The Interpreter pattern is a behavioral design pattern that defines a representational grammar for a language and provides an interpreter to deal with this grammar. This pattern is useful for interpreting languages or linguistic constructs, often used in compilers and parsers.


  • To define a representation for a languageā€™s grammar along with an interpreter that uses this representation to interpret sentences in the language.
  • To provide a way to evaluate language grammar or expression.

Use Cases

  • When there is a language to interpret, and you can represent statements in the language as abstract syntax trees (AST).
  • When the grammar of the language is straightforward and can be easily mapped to a class hierarchy.



  • Easy to change and extend the grammar.
  • Implementing the grammar is straightforward.


  • Can get complex and hard to maintain as the grammar becomes more complex.
  • Better suited for small, simple grammars.

Implementation in JavaScript

	class AbstractExpression {
	  interpret(context) {}
	class TerminalExpression extends AbstractExpression {
	  interpret(context) {
	    console.log('TerminalExpression: Interpret.');
	class NonterminalExpression extends AbstractExpression {
	  interpret(context) {
	    console.log('NonterminalExpression: Interpret.');
	// Usage
	const context = {};
	const expressions = [
	  new TerminalExpression(),
	  new NonterminalExpression(),
	  new TerminalExpression(),
	expressions.forEach((expression) => expression.interpret(context));

Practical Example

Imagine a scenario where we are building a simple rule engine to process rules defined in a basic language. Each rule can be interpreted to execute a specific action.

	class RuleExpression {
	  interpret(context) {
	    if (context.expression.startsWith('IF')) {
	      console.log('Processing IF condition');
	class ActionExpression {
	  interpret(context) {
	    if (context.expression.startsWith('ACTION')) {
	      console.log('Executing action');
	// Usage
	const rule = 'IF some condition ACTION some action';
	const expressions = rule.split(' ').map((expr) => {
	  if (expr === 'IF') {
	    return new RuleExpression();
	  if (expr === 'ACTION') {
	    return new ActionExpression();
	const context = {};
	expressions.forEach((expr) => {
	  context.expression = expr;

In this example, RuleExpression and ActionExpression are different types of expressions that interpret parts of a simple language. When a rule string is processed, each expression is interpreted accordingly.