ES7 Ecmascript 2016


ECMAScript 2016, often referred to as ES7, is a modest update to the JavaScript language, building on the extensive changes introduced in ES6. Released in June 2016, ES7 may not have introduced as many features as ES6, but it continued to refine and enhance the language. The additions in ES7, although fewer in number, play a significant role in simplifying certain operations and enhancing the readability of JavaScript code.

ECMAScript 2016 Language Specification

Detailed Feature Explanation with Examples

1. Array.prototype.includes


  • includes method checks if an array contains a certain element, returning true or false.
  • It’s more intuitive and readable than the previously used indexOf method.


	let numbers = [1, 2, 3];
	console.log(numbers.includes(2)); // true

Pre-ES6 Comparison:

Previously, developers relied on indexOf, which was less intuitive and readable.

2. Exponentiation Operator


  • The exponentiation operator (**) is a cleaner and more readable way to perform exponentiation.
  • It replaces Math.pow() for exponentiation operations.


	let square = 3 ** 2; // Equivalent to Math.pow(3, 2)
	console.log(square); // 9

Pre-ES6 Comparison:

Before ES7, exponentiation was typically done using Math.pow().

Common Pitfalls

  • Overlooking includes for array searches, leading to less readable code.
  • Misusing the exponentiation operator in complex mathematical expressions.

Further Reading


While ES7’s scope is narrower than ES6’s, its contributions are nonetheless significant. The introduction of Array.prototype.includes and the exponentiation operator demonstrate a continued effort towards making JavaScript more powerful and easier to read. ES7’s changes, though incremental, are steps towards a more efficient and expressive JavaScript, essential for any developer aiming to stay up-to-date with modern JavaScript practices.