

Mocking is a powerful technique in software testing that allows you to isolate and test specific parts of your codebase. By replacing real objects with mock objects, you can simulate various behaviors and test how your code responds to different scenarios.

What is Mocking?

Mocking is the process of creating a simulated version of an object or function to control its behavior during testing. Mocks allow you to isolate the code under test, ensuring that tests focus on a specific part of your application without being affected by external dependencies or side effects. This makes it easier to write predictable and reliable tests.

When to Use Mocks

Mocks are particularly useful in the following scenarios:

  • Isolating Unit Tests: When you want to test a function or module in isolation without involving its dependencies.
  • Simulating External Dependencies: When your code relies on external services, APIs, or databases, mocks can simulate these interactions without making actual network requests.
  • Controlling Test Environments: When you need to control the behavior of asynchronous operations, such as timers or intervals.
  • Testing Edge Cases: When you want to simulate specific conditions or edge cases that are difficult to reproduce with real objects.

Creating Your First Mock with Vitest

Vitest provides a straightforward way to create and manage mocks. Let’s start by creating a simple function to mock.

Define the Function to be Mocked

Vitest provides a straightforward way to create and manage mocks. Let’s start by creating a simple mock for a logging utility.

Create a new file called utils.mjs and have it return a function called logMessage that console.logs the input.:

	// utils.mjs
	export function logMessage(message) {

Create a Test File and Mock the Function

We are now going to create our tests in a file called utils.test.js. We will mock the console.log function to track its calls without actually logging to the console.

We will also pass it the string Hello, world and verify that the mock function was called with the correct message.

	// utils.test.js
	import { describe, it, expect, vi } from 'vitest';
	import { logMessage } from './utils';
	describe('Mocking Basics', () => {
	  it('should call the mock logger with the correct message', () => {
	    // Create a mock function for console.log
	    const logMock = vi.spyOn(console, 'log').mockImplementation(() => {});
	    // Call the logging function
	    logMessage('Hello, World!');
	    // Verify the mock function was called with the correct message
	    expect(logMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Hello, World!');
	    // Restore the original implementation
	  it('should return undefined when logging a message', () => {
	    // Create a mock function for console.log
	    const logMock = vi.spyOn(console, 'log').mockImplementation(() => {});
	    // Call the logging function and get the result
	    const result = logMessage('Hello, Vitest!');
	    // Verify the result
	    // Restore the original implementation

Explanation of the Code

  • Import Statements: We import describe, it, expect, and vi from Vitest. vi is the Vitest global object that provides mocking functionalities.
  • Mocking console.log: We use vi.spyOn(console, 'log') to create a mock implementation of the console.log function. This allows us to track its calls without actually logging to the console.
  • Calling the Mock Function: We call the logMessage function, which internally calls the mocked console.log function.
  • Assertions: We use expect to verify that the mock function was called with the correct message and that the result of logMessage is undefined.
  • Restoring Original Implementation: After the test, we restore the original console.log implementation using mockRestore to avoid side effects in other tests.

Run the Test

Run the tests and you should see the tests pass.

Utils tests passing

Verifying Function Calls and Arguments

You can verify that a mock function was called a certain number of times and with specific arguments. Vitest provides useful matchers for these verifications.

  1. Example Test File:
	// verify.test.js
	import { describe, it, expect, vi } from 'vitest';
	describe('Verifying Function Calls and Arguments', () => {
	  it('should verify the number of times the mock function was called', () => {
	    // Create a mock function
	    const mockFn = vi.fn();
	    // Call the mock function multiple times
	    // Verify the mock function was called three times
	  it('should verify the mock function was called with specific arguments', () => {
	    // Create a mock function
	    const mockFn = vi.fn();
	    // Call the mock function with different arguments
	    // Verify the mock function was called with specific arguments

Mocking HTTP Requests

Mocking HTTP requests is essential for testing code that interacts with external APIs. It allows you to simulate different responses and conditions without making real network requests, ensuring your tests are fast, reliable, and do not depend on external services.


We will create a simple API module that fetches user data from a remote server using the fetch API. We will then write a test file that mocks the fetch function to return a predefined user object.

  1. Define the API Module:
	// api.mjs
	export async function fetchUser(userId) {
	  // Fetch user data from the API
	  const response = await fetch(`${userId}`);
	  // Parse the JSON response
	  const user = await response.json();
	  // Return the user data
	  return user;
  1. Create a Test File and Mock the HTTP Request:
	// api.test.mjs
	import { describe, it, expect, vi } from 'vitest';
	import { fetchUser } from './api';
	describe('Mocking HTTP Requests', () => {
	  it('should fetch the user data correctly', async () => {
	    // Create a mock implementation for `fetch` which will get
	    // called whenever a function tries to use the `fetch` function
	    const fetchMock = vi.spyOn(global, 'fetch').mockResolvedValue({
	      json: async () => ({
	        id: 1,
	        name: 'Leanne Graham',
	        username: 'Bret',
	        email: ''
	    // Call the function under test
	    const user = await fetchUser(1);
	    // Verify the result
	      id: 1,
	      name: 'Leanne Graham',
	      username: 'Bret',
	      email: ''
	    // Restore the original implementation

Explanation of the Code

  • Import Statements: We import describe, it, expect, and vi from Vitest. We also import the fetchUser function from the api module.
  • Mocking the Fetch Function: We use vi.spyOn(global, 'fetch') to create a mock implementation of the global fetch function. This allows us to simulate the behavior of the fetch function and control its response.
  • Custom Implementation: The mock implementation of fetch returns a resolved promise with a mock json method that returns the expected user data.
  • Testing the Function: We call the fetchUser function with a user ID and use await to ensure the promise resolves before making assertions.
  • Assertions: We use expect to verify that the fetchUser function returns the expected user data.
  • Restoring Original Implementation: After the test, we restore the original fetch function implementation using mockRestore to avoid side effects in other tests.

Mocking Timers and Dates

Using Fake Timers

When writing tests for code that relies on timers, such as setTimeout, setInterval, or setImmediate, it’s essential to control the passage of time. Vitest provides fake timers that allow you to simulate and control time during tests.

  1. Example of Using Fake Timers:
	// timer.mjs
	export function delayedGreeting(callback) {
	  setTimeout(() => {
	    callback('Hello, World!');
	  }, 1000);
  1. Create a Test File and Use Fake Timers:
	// timer.test.mjs
	import { describe, it, expect, vi } from 'vitest';
	import { delayedGreeting } from './timer';
	describe('Mocking Timers', () => {
	  it('should call the callback after 1 second', () => {
	    // Use fake timers
	    // Create a mock callback function
	    const callback = vi.fn();
	    // Call the function under test
	    // Fast-forward time by 1 second
	    // Verify the callback was called with the correct argument
	    expect(callback).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Hello, World!');
	    // Restore the original timer functions

Mocking Date Objects

Mocking the Date object is useful when you need to test code that relies on the current date and time.

  1. Example of Using Mocked Date Objects:
	// date.mjs
	export function getFormattedDate() {
	  const date = new Date();
	  return date.toISOString().split('T')[0];
  1. Create a Test File and Mock the Date Object:
	// date.test.mjs
	import { describe, it, expect, vi } from 'vitest';
	import { getFormattedDate } from './date';
	describe('Mocking Date Objects', () => {
	  it('should return the formatted date correctly', () => {
	    // Mock the Date constructor
	    const dateMock = vi.spyOn(global, 'Date').mockImplementation(() => new Date('2023-01-01T00:00:00Z'));
	    // Call the function under test
	    const result = getFormattedDate();
	    // Verify the result
	    // Restore the original Date constructor

Explanation of the Code

  • Fake Timers: We use vi.useFakeTimers() to replace the real timer functions with fake ones, allowing us to control the passage of time. We use vi.advanceTimersByTime() to fast-forward time by a specified amount.
  • Mocking Callbacks: We create a mock callback function using vi.fn() and verify that it was called with the expected argument after advancing the timers.
  • Mocking Date Objects: We use vi.spyOn() to mock the global Date constructor and return a specific date. This allows us to control the current date and time during the test.
  • Restoring Original Implementations: After the test, we restore the original timer functions and Date constructor using vi.useRealTimers() and mockRestore() to avoid side effects in other tests.

Debugging and Troubleshooting Mocks

Common Issues with Mocks

When working with mocks, you may encounter several common issues that can affect your tests. Understanding these issues and knowing how to troubleshoot them can help you write more reliable and maintainable tests.

  1. Mocks Not Being Called:

    • Symptom: The mock function is not being called as expected.
    • Solution: Ensure that the mock is correctly set up before the code that uses it is executed. Check the order of operations and verify that the mock is in place.
  2. Incorrect Mock Implementation:

    • Symptom: The mock returns incorrect or unexpected results.
    • Solution: Review the mock implementation to ensure it correctly simulates the desired behavior. Use descriptive and accurate implementations for your mocks.
  3. Mocks Causing Side Effects:

    • Symptom: Tests fail due to side effects caused by mocks.
    • Solution: Restore the original implementations of mocks after each test using mockRestore(). Ensure that mocks are isolated and do not affect other tests.
  4. Mocks Not Restored:

    • Symptom: Tests fail because mocks are not properly restored.
    • Solution: Use mockRestore() to restore the original implementations after each test. Consider using afterEach() hooks to automate this process.

Debugging Techniques

  1. Use Console Logs:

    • Technique: Add console.log statements to your tests and mock implementations to trace the flow of execution and inspect values.
    • Example:
      	const mockFn = vi.fn((arg) => {
      	  console.log('Mock called with:', arg);
      	  return 'mocked value';
  2. Inspect Mock Calls:

    • Technique: Use Vitest’s built-in methods to inspect the calls to your mock functions.
    • Example:
      	console.log('Mock call details:', mockFn.mock.calls);
  3. Check Mock Implementation Order:

    • Technique: Verify that mocks are set up before the code that uses them is executed.
    • Example:
      	const mockFn = vi.fn().mockImplementation(() => 'mocked value');
      	// Ensure this is called before the code that uses mockFn

Tips for Effective Troubleshooting

  1. Isolate the Problem:

    • Focus on one issue at a time. Isolate the problematic mock or test and simplify it to identify the root cause.
  2. Use Descriptive Mock Names:

    • Give your mocks descriptive names to make your tests more readable and easier to debug.
  3. Leverage Documentation:

    • Refer to Vitest’s documentation for detailed information on mocking and troubleshooting techniques.
  4. Collaborate with Team Members:

    • Discuss mock-related issues with your team members to gain different perspectives and insights.

Mocking is a powerful and essential technique in software testing. By mastering mocking, you can write more effective and reliable tests, leading to higher-quality code and more robust applications. Keep practicing and exploring new techniques to continually improve your testing skills.