JavaScript Runtime Environment

2. JavaScript Runtime Environment

The JavaScript runtime environment is the environment in which your JavaScript code is executed. Unlike some other programming languages that can run in multiple threads, JavaScript runs in a single-threaded environment. This means that it can only do one thing at a time, which may seem like a limitation, but JavaScript is designed to handle asynchronous operations efficiently.

Key Components of the JavaScript Runtime:

  1. Call Stack:

    • The call stack is a data structure that keeps track of function invocations. Whenever a function is called, it is added to the top of the call stack, and when the function completes, it is removed from the stack.
    • If a function calls another function, the called function is added to the stack above the calling function, and this process continues, forming a stack of function calls.
    	function first() {
    	  console.log('First function start');
    	  console.log('First function end');
    	function second() {
    	  console.log('Second function start');
    	  console.log('Second function end');
    	function third() {
    	  console.log('Third function');
    	// Output:
    	// First function start
    	// Second function start
    	// Third function
    	// Second function end
    	// First function end


    • When first() is called, it’s added to the call stack.
    • first() calls second(), which is then added to the stack.
    • second() calls third(), which is also added to the stack.
    • Once third() completes, it is removed from the stack, and control returns to second(), then finally back to first().
  2. Heap:

    • The heap is a large, unstructured region of memory used for storing objects and variables. It’s where JavaScript allocates memory for variables and objects.
    	const person = {
    	  name: 'Alice',
    	  age: 30


    • In this example, the person object is stored in the heap, with references to its properties.
  3. Event Loop:

    • The event loop is the mechanism that allows JavaScript to perform non-blocking, asynchronous operations despite being single-threaded. It continuously checks the call stack to see if it’s empty. If the stack is empty, it checks the callback queue for any tasks that need to be executed.
  4. Callback Queue:

    • When asynchronous operations (like setTimeout, Promises, or event handlers) are completed, their callbacks are placed in the callback queue. The event loop will then push these callbacks onto the call stack when it’s empty.
  5. Web APIs:

    • Web APIs are provided by the browser (or the environment, in the case of Node.js) to handle asynchronous operations like DOM manipulation, HTTP requests (using fetch or XMLHttpRequest), timers, and more.
    	setTimeout(() => {
    	}, 1000);
    	// Output:
    	// Start
    	// End
    	// Callback (after 1 second)


    • The setTimeout function is provided by the Web API, which handles the timer outside of the JavaScript runtime. When the timer is complete, the callback function is placed in the callback queue, and once the call stack is empty, it is executed.


Understanding the JavaScript runtime environment is essential for grasping how JavaScript handles function execution, memory management, and asynchronous tasks. The interplay between the call stack, heap, event loop, and callback queue is what allows JavaScript to be both single-threaded and capable of handling multiple tasks concurrently.