Race Conditions

Understanding Race Conditions in JavaScript


In this lesson, we’re going to delve into the concept of race conditions, a common issue in asynchronous programming, especially relevant in JavaScript web development. Race conditions can lead to unpredictable results and hard-to-debug issues in your applications. We’ll explore what race conditions are, how they manifest in JavaScript, and techniques to prevent them.


What is a Race Condition?

A race condition occurs when two or more operations must execute in the correct order, but the program has not been properly synchronized to ensure this order. As a result, the final outcome depends on the sequence or timing of these operations.

Example in Everyday Life:

Imagine two people trying to update the same social media status at the same time. Depending on who clicks ‘update’ first, the final status might be different. This uncertainty is similar to a race condition.

Race Conditions in JavaScript

JavaScript, particularly in web development, relies heavily on asynchronous operations like API calls, event handling, or timeouts. These operations can lead to race conditions if not managed correctly.

Example in JavaScript:

Let’s consider a simple scenario where you have two asynchronous operations that update the same global variable:

	let globalCounter = 0;
	function asyncOperationA() {
	    setTimeout(() => { globalCounter += 1; }, 1000);
	function asyncOperationB() {
	    setTimeout(() => { globalCounter += 2; }, 500);

Here, the final value of globalCounter depends on which operation completes first, making it a race condition.

How to Identify Race Conditions

  1. Unpredictable Output: If your code’s output changes unexpectedly on different runs without any changes in input, it might be a race condition.

  2. Timing Issues: If problems arise when you add delays or remove them (like with setTimeout), it’s a clue.

  3. Complex Async Flows: Code with nested or chained asynchronous calls is more prone to race conditions.

Preventing Race Conditions

1. Sequential Execution

Ensure that asynchronous tasks run in the required sequence. For example, using async/await:

	async function sequentialOperations() {
	    await asyncOperationA();
	    await asyncOperationB();

2. Locking Mechanisms

JavaScript doesn’t have traditional locking mechanisms like some other languages. However, you can mimic this behaviour by controlling the access to shared resources. For instance, using flags:

	let isOperationInProgress = false;
	function operation() {
	    if (isOperationInProgress) return;
	    isOperationInProgress = true;
	    // Perform operation
	    isOperationInProgress = false;

3. Atomic Operations

Use JavaScript’s atomic operations provided by Atomics and SharedArrayBuffer for shared memory manipulation.

4. Avoid Global State

Minimize the use of global variables or shared state, as these are often the culprits in race conditions.


Understanding and preventing race conditions is crucial for reliable JavaScript applications. By ensuring proper synchronization and avoiding shared state where possible, you can write more predictable and bug-free code.


To solidify your understanding, try the following exercise:

  1. Identify the Problem: Take the initial example in this lesson and identify why it causes a race condition.

  2. Implement a Solution: Modify the code to ensure that globalCounter consistently ends with the same value, regardless of the order of operation completion.

Remember, dealing with race conditions is all about understanding the flow of your asynchronous operations and ensuring they execute in the desired order. Happy coding!