Variables are how a programming language stores information in a computer’s memory. We can think of them as containers for data. Once data is stored there, we can act on and use this data in other parts of our program.
Variables sitting in the computer’s RAM - Random Access Memory

We are going to look at these types of data that JavaScript variables can store:
Declaring variables
Before we can use variables, we need todeclare
(create) them.
Variables are declared or created using the let
and const
keywords. Variables do not ‘hold’ values, but they ‘point’ to them. We need to work with values when we handle user interaction, for example, when we save their credentials while they register for an account on social media.
let pet;
const passportNumber;
Above, we’ve created a variable called pet
. We haven’t given pet
a value, so at the present moment it is empty or undefined
in that it does not point to a value. If you log pet
to the browser console, it will return a value of undefined
Giving a variable a value when you declare it is called initialising
or assigning
the variable.
It is important to know which type of variable to use for the purposes of our code. We use let
for variables that we wish to update at some point or another, just like a lunchbox where we can replace the old contents with new lunch inside for a new day. We use const
for variables that we wish to keep the same throughout our code.
Here is an example of a variable declared using const
const passportNumber = 1122334455;
Here is an example of a variable declared using let
let pet;
pet = 'cat';
pet = 'dog';
The code above first declares pet as a let variable, then on the next line it is initialised (officially created) to point to the value of “cat”. On the third line we can update it to point to the value of “dog”. If we tried to do the same thing using a const
variable, JavaScript will throw a type error that reads “invalid assignment to const”.
The video below is an introduction to variables:
Watch on VimeoUndefined vs the is not defined error
This video looks at the difference between the (valid) value undefined
and the error is not defined
is a special data type itself (unlike a string or a number) that indicates that a variable or property is intentionally empty or has no assigned value.
It is often used to initialize a variable:
let myVariable = null;
It can be used as well to check if a variable has no value:
if (myVariable === null) { ... }
It can be used to clear the value of a variable or object property:
let name = 'John Doe';
console.log(name); // Output: John Doe
// Clear the value of name
name = null;
console.log(name); // Output: null
Functions might return null
to indicate that a certain condition wasn’t met or an error occurred:
function getUser(userId) {
// Simulate fetching user data from a database
const users = {
1: { name: 'Hans' },
2: { name: 'Anne' }
// Check if the user with the given userId exists in the users object
if (users[userId]) {
// If the user exists, return the user object
return users[userId];
} else {
// If the user doesn't exist, return null to indicate that the user was not found
return null;
Strings are pieces of text. They can range in size from one character like a
to a whole book of characters.
They’re enclosed in either single '
or double ”
quotes. At Noroff, we use double quotes for our string variables.
Let’s create our first string variable.
Variable names must start with a lowercase letter (a
to z
), an uppercase letter (A
to Z
), and a dollar sign $
or an underscore _
. We are only going to use lowercase letters to begin our variable names.
To declare a variable, we use let
or const
accordingly, the name of our variable and the value if we decide to initialise it.
let pet = 'dog';
We’ve initialised the pet
variable with the string value “dog”. We can say we’ve assigned
the value “dog” to pet
, and now pet
points to the value “dog”.
We can now use that variable in our code:
We use camelCase
to name variables.
Using this method, the first word of a variable name starts with a lowercase letter and subsequent words are joined to the first and begin with an uppercase letter:
let loggedIn;
let orderHasShipped;
let lastName;
Note that variables names cannot include spaces and need to be as explicit as possible.
Joining strings together
We can join strings together using the +
sign, an action called concatenation
let letters = 'a' + 'b';
// "ab"
Let’s assign those string values to variables and then join them:
let letter1 = 'a';
let letter2 = 'b';
let letters = letter1 + letter2;
// "ab"
Anything inside quotes (even numbers), is a string, . The variable amount
below has a string value.
let amount = '7';
In this video, we take a look at string
Selecting HTML elements with JavaScript
Before we look at adding string variables to an HTML page, we must determine how to select and modify HTML elements using JavaScript’s document.querySelector
Adding string variables to an HTML page
In this video, we will add string variables to HTML elements.
Watch on Vimeo Code from the videoNumbers
Numbers in JavaScript can be both integers (whole numbers) and decimals.
let integer = 8;
let decimal = 7.1;
Basic arithmetic operators
We can use the following operators with numbers in JavaScript.
Operator | Name | Example |
+ | addition | 3 + 2 |
- | subtraction | 7 - 1 |
* | multiplication | 6 * 4 |
/ | division | 9 / 3 |
% | remainder | 5 % 2 |
If you try to add a number value to a string version of a number like this:
7 + '7';
You will end up with 77
, not 14
This is because when one of the values is a string value, the +
operator joins both values together as if they were both strings. It doesn’t add them together as it would if all values were number values.
You can convert a string version of a number to a proper number using the parseInt
and parseFloat
To convert a number without a decimal point, use parseInt.
let integer = '7';
let convertedInteger = parseInt(integer);
// 7
To convert a number to a decimal point, use parseFloat.
let decimalNumber = '7.9';
let convertedDecimalNumber = parseFloat(decimalNumber);
// 7
The remainder operator (sometimes called the modulus operator) returns the remainder of a division operation:
let remainder = 5 % 2;
// 1
let remainder2 = 4 % 2;
// 0
This video looks at number
Boolean values are either true
or false
let isLoggedIn = true;
let onSpecial = false;
Note that there are no quotes around boolean values.
The variable badBoolean
below has a string
value, so it’s not a boolean.
let badBoolean = 'true';
The variable properBoolean
below has a boolean value.
let properBoolean = true;
Checking data types
We can use the typeof
operator to check what type of data a variable holds. We can use it with or without brackets.
let colour = 'red';
typeof colour;
// "string"
typeof 'blue';
// "string"
typeof 14;
// "number"
typeof false;
// "boolean"
We can assign the result of a typeof
operation to a variable.
let animal = 'elephant';
let typeOfAnimal = typeof animal;
// string
The video below is an introduction to the typeof
Lesson Task
There are practice questions in the master branch of this repo.
There are example answers in the answers branch.
Try the exercises before checking the solutions.